Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4th

Wow, didn't realize it had been quite so long! But I guess it really doesn'tmatter since it's really just for me anyway :)

yippee....I've lost 40lbs! wahoo!!!!

Started a new program Saturday..."Couch to 5k" Ha! Supposedly I'll be ready to run a 5K in 9 weeks. Found a cool Ipod app for the program too.

go figure...a vegertian AND a runner! what next?!!! .........hopefully, a smoke'n hot mama by next spring! LOL!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Getting back into some smaller clothes :) so feels like i"m getting a new wardrobe! LOL! Think I'll do some bike riding today.

I highly recommend this lifestyle! First time in my life I haven't "cheated" on a diet or had cravings for the bad stuff. My body doesn't even want that stuff any more.

Looks like I'll be a vegetarian for life! Amazingly don't miss the sweets either!

Monday, August 24, 2009

8/24/09 ONE WHOLE MONTH!!! month anniverary of being a vegetarian! woot woot!!!! Feeling GREAT...GREAt...GREAT!!!! Feet don't swell anymore...had to take in my sandal straps :)

Still have not cheat at all!!!!!

Have lost about 20 lbs.....pants getting baggy :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Wow...haven't posted in a week! Things are going GREAT! Have not cheated one bit ;)
Put on some jeans this weekend and the waist was way too big....yipee!!!

I just noticed something today...I think It's a bonus: BETTER COMPLEXION!

Bought my first eggplants this weekend...yum! Made eggplant parmesan, which Audra ate 3/4 of! Also made whole wheat zucchinimuffins...yum!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


O.K., I'm going to quit counting days :) I've made it through the the first week, so will probably just post weekly. Still feeling lots better. I can feel the difference in my waistbands :)

I'm still amazed at how little I've been tempted. It reallyhelps to stay completely away from the bad stuff.

Still need to work on more protein. Tomorrow is payday so will really stock up on things Saturday. Can't wait to try those recipes.!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 8

Wahoo!!!!! Made it a whole week and now starting week 2!!!! I feel great! Looking forward to the next few weeks. I'm amazed that I've not really been tempted to cheat. It makes all the difference in the world because I'm not eating any of my trigger foods. Weight Watchers you still get to eat some things, but count them as points, then once you get a taste, it makes it easier to slide.

Not enough protein today! Will do better tomorrow.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 5

stomach a little upset :( Went to lunch with bunch of girlfriends and had eggplant parmesan. I only ate half of it because the eggplant was fried. I think that's what isn't sitting so well.

B - oatmeal
L - eggplant parmesan
D - TBD - maybe just some cereal or toast

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 4

Feeling a little off today.....but still vegie!!! Got what I THOUGHT was going to be a good vegie dish at work, but had lots of grease, so only ate about half of it.

So excited to try some of the recipes!! yummy looking stuff!

Kids are gone, so gonna Chillllllll in a big way tonight! :)

B - wheat bagel & cream cheese, red grapes
L - yucky rice/potato/spinach dish (greasy!!!) 1/2 eaten
D -???probably focus on proteins and vegies....maybe tofu, cabbage, mushroom, tomato stir fry

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 3

Whew, another day down! I'm going through the recipe book right now, then will have to do some shopping!
I ad-libbed again tonight and it was pretty darn good!
sauteed onion & garlic - added cubed tofu to brown - added shredded fresh cabbage - at the end throw in the cooked whole wheat spaghetti - toss - sprinkle w/ feta = YUMMY!

B- oatmeal (again!) but, it fills me up 'til lunch :)
L - garden salad, beans,chick peas
D - above dish

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 2

Day 2 and so good! I think as my stomach adjusts to smaller quantities I won't be as hungry. I was tired tonight and didn't feel like cooking much. Someone at work had a birthday today and I didn't have any cheesecake! yea!

B - oatmeal
L - garden salad w/black beans, garbonzo beans & ranch
D - 1 slice wheat bread, 1TB peanut butter, 1TB honey, 1 sliced banana, 1c milk

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 1

Yea! NO MEAT or sweets or sodas today! It's 6pm and I'm hungry! Went to bookstore during lunch and bought Vegetarians for Dummies & a recipebook. Stopped by WM on my way home. Now i've got to throw something together!

B - oatmeal
L - salad w/ranch & cheddar
D - pasta w/veggies & feta

I'll be spending the evening studying the Dummies book :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Eve of new lifestyle!

Time for a major lifestyle change! Sick of yo-yo diets, being tired, wearing frumpy clothes! I'm so darn cute when I'm thinner ;)

I want to be accountable to someone or something, even if it's a blog! Not yet ready to make this public,maybe in a week or so.

I've decided to try vegegarian lifestyle (with milke& dairy). And NO sugar! Have a donea little research and plan to get a couple o f books tomorrow.

Have to stop cold turkey on those things that make me binge:

Sonic rootbeer!